The Moylan family

My own branch of the Moylan family came from county Kilkenny in Ireland, and is probably unrelated to the Moylans from other counties. I have other ancestors who came from various places around Ireland and southern Scotland. This page is devoted to my own family history research, but there are also links to other Moylan pages I've found on the web.

My own family

Other sites with family trees

Here are the relevant web sites I know about so far. I haven't yet found connections between the people mentioned below and my own family, and the indications so far are that there are none to be found. I'm keeping this category in case it's useful to other Moylans.
Links marked as unreachable usually indicate a web site that no longer exists. Unfortunately personal web sites tend to disappear as their owners switch to different internet providers. In many such cases, though, you can  submit a link to the Wayback Machine to find an archived version of the original site.

Mathematics genealogy

This has nothing to do with the Moylan family, but it's as good a place as any to put it on my web site. The Mathematics Genealogy Project is a project run by some American mathematicians to trace back chains of researchers and their supervisors in mathematics and related areas. From this I have worked out my research heritage

About me

If you want to contact me, see the home page for this web site.

If you used a search engine to find me, you might have seen pointers to pages in the domain Those pages no longer exist, so don't be surprised if they lead nowhere. It takes search engines a while to "forget" about obsolete pages.

This page last updated 26 July 2018.