Weasel accessories and tools

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Add a user
Ban an address
Base64 decode
Batch SMTP
Calc max users
Get mail via sendmail SMTP
List "forward"
Log summary
Migrate settings from Inet.Mail
Pipe Log
Queue mail
Remove a user
Reset "forward"
Reset hammer list
Reset window positions
Send now
Sort a host list
Sort log
TNI tools
Web mail

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This page lists a set of accessories that you might find useful for use with Weasel. Some of this software has been written specifically for use with Weasel. Some of it will work with any e-mail server.

The listing of a package on this page does not imply that it is automatically available to all registered users of Weasel. Most of it is freeware, but I might also list some shareware. The conditions of use of each package remain, as always, with the original supplier of the software.

Add a user

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 16 November 2020
File: adduser.cmd

Adds one user account.

Ban a spammer

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 24 February 2019
File: ban.cmd

A script to add an IP address or domain name to the "Banned" list. The acceptable arguments (including wildcards, etc.) are exactly the same as allowed in the Setup program for the Banned page. The change takes effect immediately, without any need to restart Weasel.

Base64 decode

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
File: decode64.zip (last updated 5 April 2010)

A program to convert base64 strings to plain text. Useful if you need to decode base64 strings in the Weasel log.

Batch SMTP

Author: Itzchak Rehberg
Category: Freeware
File: bsmpt043.zip (last updated 28 March 2000)

Scripts to take files in "batch SMTP" format and send them out as mail. Includes documentation in both German and English.

Calculate "Max users" values for Setup

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
File: calcmaxusers.zip

Uses Weasel log files to calculate average traffic levels, and from that recommends what "Max users" values to use in Setup.


Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
File: GenINI_2.0.zip
Last updated: 18 Nov 2020

This is needed if you use TNI format for your INI files. It is also a prerequisite for some other filters and utilities. It contains two programs to convert between INI and TNI format, plus some Rexx utilities to read and write INI/TNI data.

Get mail via sendmail

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
File: endmail.zip

Handles the case where you are using Weasel as a POP server and sendmail to receive the mail. Not a common situation, since you normally don't need sendmail if you have Weasel, but it's included here to cover the possibility of unusual situations.

List "forward" directory

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 16 November 2020
File: ListFwd.cmd

Sends a list to standard output of the status of messages that are waiting to be sent out.

Log summary (SMTP incoming)

Author: David Hough
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 18 July 2002

This utility appears to have been lost, but see the Sort Log tool for an approximate equivalent.

Migrate Inet.Mail settings to Weasel

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
File: im_migrate.zip

For anyone who has a configured InetMail or Perseus setup, and wants to copy those settings over to a new Weasel installation.

MoveLog - for archiving Weasel.log

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
File: movelog.zip

A script to rename Weasel.log and move it to a LOGS subdirectory. If you run this periodically you get clean archiving of the log file.

Pipe the Weasel log to another process

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 24 July 2012
File: pipelog.zip

Sample program to demonstrate how to use a pipe to have the Weasel log processed by another program.

PMMAB - convert PMMail address books

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
File: pmmab.zip

A script to convert PMMail address books into a form suitable to be imported as a Weasel alias list.

POPGet - fetch mail from another POP server

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 28 September 2008
File: popget.zip

Run this from the Weasel "mail root" directory, and it will fetch mail from another POP3 server and store it locally. Most people won't need this, but it is useful for migrating from another server, or when you have a mail account on your ISP's server and you want to move that mail to local Weasel mail accounts.

PopSConv - migrate the OS2PopS database

Author: Konstantin Boyandin
Category: Freeware
File: PopSConv.zip

A script to migrate usernames and passwords from IBM's OS2PopS POP server. As output, it produces a data file that is exactly right for copying into the [Users] section of Weasel.TNI. It also creates a new command file which you can edit and then run to create mailbox directories for the new users.

Qmail: put mail on the queue to be sent out

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 18 November 2020
File: qmail.zip

A script to send a single mail item by putting it into Weasel's "forward" directory. It will be sent out the next time you go on-line, or almost immediately if you're already on-line. Useful if you want to send out mail manually, as distinct from running a full e-mail client. Also useful for third-party software that wants to send out mail via Weasel.

Remove a user

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 6 March 2019
File: remove.cmd

A script to delete a username from the Weasel database. The user's mail directory is also deleted, unless it still contains unsent mail. This allows you to remove a user without having to run Setup.

Reset hammer list

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 24 July 2023
File: ResetHammerList.cmd

Clears the list of IP addresses that are currently being delayed because they appear to be the source of dictionary attacks. You can reset the list if it appears that a legitimate user has been caught in this trap.

Reset retry times in "forward" directory

Author: Peter Moylan, based on code by Ken Kirchner
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 12 June 2016
File: ResetFwd.cmd

Resets the "send time" and retry counts of messages that are waiting to be sent out, so that they will be sent out immediately. (Not normally a good idea, but it might be helpful if you're recovering from some sort of system crash.)

Reset window positions

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 6 March 2019
File: resetpos.cmd

This script is for those people who find that one or more of the Setup.EXE windows has gone partially or wholly off-screen. (This shouldn't happen, but I don't test Setup with all possible screen resolutions.) After you run resetpos.cmd, the Setup windows will be at the bottom left of the screen. You can move them to where you really want them the next time you run Setup.

Send one message

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
File: send.zip

A simple Rexx script to send a single mail item. Useful if you want to send out mail manually, as distinct from running a full e-mail client.

Remark: this script has effectively been superseded by qmail (see above). However, it's retained here for the benefit of people who want examples of tcp/ip applications in Rexx.

Send queued mail now

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 18 November 2020
File: sendq.zip

A Rexx script to turn on the "online" signal, wait until the mail in the "forward" directory has been sent out, and then remove the "online" signal. This is probably not needed now that Weasel can automatically detect a dial-up connection, but some people might want to run it from their dialers anyway.

Shut down Weasel cleanly

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 18 November 2020
File: shutweasel.zip

A Rexx script to signal on a global event semaphore to tell Weasel to shut down. (Formerly called shutdown, but I changed the name to avoid confusion with the command that shuts down the entire operating system.)

Sort a host list

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 6 March 2019
File: SortHostlist.cmd

Sorts one of the host lists (e.g. the "Banned" list) in WEASEL.INI. This doesn't have a major effect on execution, but it can make the Setup pages easier to read.

Sort the transaction log

Author: Peter Moylan
Category: Freeware
Last updated: 28 January 2013
File: sortlog.cmd

Sorts WEASEL.LOG into a form that is easier to read.


This is no longer available for download. Instead, it is now part of the GenINI package.

Web mail

Author: Dimitris Michelinakis
Category: Freeware
File: Available from the author's web page.

To use this you need to have both a mail server (e.g. Weasel) and an http server (e.g. WebServe) running on your server machine. It lets your users access their mail through a web browser. Remark: I used to have this working, but it stopped working once I upgraded to a new OS version. This is possibly due to having the wrong version of a library file.

Top Author: Peter Moylan
Last updated: 22 July 2024